Take the next step! Consider serving at Grace Lutheran Church; there are a variety of opportunities use your talents to serve others. Is it your time to make a difference? We hope here you will discover your perfect place to serve and connect.
Grace Lutheran's Council meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month. If you are interested in becoming involved with the Council, please share your interest with the pastor or Council President. New Council members are brought on board every year.
The Christian Education Committee works with the Family Youth Coordinator to provide direction and support for the education of the children, youth, adult members, and community of Grace Lutheran Church.
The Hospitality Committee works to make Grace a welcoming place in many aspects, from welcoming visitors to managing the nametags and supporting Fellowship Coffee Hour on Sundays, following worship. Families and groups have the opportunity to serve as Coffee Hour Hosts.
The Worship committee works to ensure that the services here at Grace are not only “God pleasing” but also meaningful and uplifting for the congregation, while always deeply rooted in the Word of God. Focusing on ways to enhance the worship experience with fresh spiritual content and beautiful music, the Worship Committee also plans special services for upcoming seasons of the church and analyzes how past services have worked.
Additionally, there are opportunities to serve in worship as ushers, assisting ministers, readers, and technology support volunteers.
The Evangelism Committee addresses the need to reach out to share our faith. They deliver welcome bags to visitors and consider how best to share Grace's journey with Jesus.
The Outreach team ministry is reaching out to our own members, members of our community, and globally. Some of the activities organized are working with new members, projects with Lutheran World Relief such as layettes, quilts, and school bags.
The Grace Property Committee oversees projects that maintain our sanctuary, grounds, and community rooms in tip top shape. If doing behind the scenes work to keep Grace looking beautiful and running smoothly is your passion, please contact the office for more information about this committee.